JSI-MD Donates Gifts to Local Toys for Tots Program

The staff of JSI’s Greenbelt, Maryland, office recently finalized their sixteenth annual toy drive for the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots program, which led to hundreds of gifts being donated to economically disadvantaged children in the area.
The annual holiday toy drive, which has become a long-standing tradition in JSI’s Greenbelt headquarters, is organized and operated in conjunction with the local Prince George’s County Police Department as well as the Prince George’s County Toys for Tots campaign. All gifts collected through the JSI toy drive are ultimately distributed to children in need in Prince George’s County, where JSI’s Greenbelt office is located.
This year, with the generous donations and support of numerous parties, the JSI staff was once again able to provide Toys for Tots with nearly a truckload of unwrapped gifts for children of all ages, including assorted toys, games, educational books and supplies, backpacks, and sports equipment, among other items.
First launched in 1947 by U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Major Bill Hendricks, the Toys for Tots program is currently led by the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit charity based in Triangle, Virginia. According to the Foundation, the principal goal of the Toys for Tots program is to deliver Christmas gifts, as well as messages of hope and joy, to America’s less fortunate children. To date, the program has successfully distributed more than 604 million gifts to over 272 million children.
For additional information on the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation, or to learn how to support a local Toys for Tots campaign, please visit: https://www.toysfortots.org.