
Introducing RecoverNow:
JSI’s New, Customized Emergency Operations Solution

With RecoverNow You Can Get the Resources You Need Today to Successfully Respond to Tomorrow’s Emergencies.

Learn More by Connecting with a Member of the JSI Team Right Now.

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With JSI’s RecoverNowsolution, your company can have the customized, comprehensive strategy it needs to:

  • Plan for the unexpected and ensure continued operations when disaster strikes.

  • Prioritize recovery of network operations and crucial business functions.

  • Comply with state and federal emergency plan requirements.

  • Protect employees, business processes, and company assets.

  • Communicate effectively with company officials, employees, customers, and the community during a disaster.



JSI’s RecoverNow solution will include:

  • An organized and detailed chain of command tailored to your company’s needs.

  • A basic operating plan to support restoration and continuity of service based on your company’s unique situation, including the most likely types of emergencies that could occur in the specific geographic location.

  • Detailed listings of employees, assets, buildings, and equipment.

  • A communications plan to implement after plan activation.

  • Priorities for restoration of network services.


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