JSI’s Numbering Expert Named to NANC
JSI is excited to announce that Bridget Alexander White, manager in our Business Development department, was appointed by FCC Chairman Ajit Pai to the North American Numbering Council (NANC) as a full, voting member. This is the first time someone from JSI has been named to the NANC. Bridget’s nomination was sponsored by US Connect.
The NANC’s mission is to recommend to the FCC ways to modernize the North American Numbering Plan to ensure the efficient, impartial assignment and use of vital numbering resources in the changing, modern world of communications. The NANC is composed of representatives of telecom carriers, regulators, cable providers, VoIP providers, industry associations, vendors, and consumer advocates.
Bridget’s voting membership will bring small and rural carriers’ positions to the NANC, which are important to consider in the development of porting and numbering rules and procedures. Bridget has worked in the telecom industry for more than 19 years and her broad knowledge of the telecom policies that drive numbering and porting decisions, as well as her daily contact with those companies that are affected by those decisions, will bring a unique perspective to the Council.
Bridget is not a stranger to the NANC. She is a longtime voting participant on the NANC’s Future of Numbering (FoN) and Local Number Portability Administration (LNPA) working groups, and served as chair of the LNPA working group’s New Entrant Sub-team which developed guidelines for new providers entering the porting arena.
Bridget is excited to be able to participate and represent small companies as a member of NANC. She invites clients to communicate any concerns or opinions about NANC’s work to her so that she can best represent their interests on the Council. She can be reached by email or in our Maryland office at 301-459-7590.